Yorkshire Funders Conference 2022

9:30 am


A day of in-person networking and learning opportunities, where we'll explore what 'Smarter Giving in the New Normal' looks like.

The Yorkshire Funders Conference is specifically for funding organisations and funding advisors who support local, frontline community groups.

Cost: £55

Booking deadline: 8th June


9.30 – 10.00: Registration & refreshments

10.00 – 12.00: Plenary Session chaired by Tim Cutts, Chair of Yorkshire Funders & Executive Secretary of the Allen Lane Foundation including Q&As

10.05 – 11.00:

Paul Streets OBE, Chief Executive, Lloyds Bank Foundation will share how they have adapted to a changing world, emerging trends in the funding sector and give a taster of the organisation’s new five-year strategy

Danielle Walker-Palmour, Director, Friends Provident Foundation will communicate the importance of organisations being more transparent and how funders of all sizes can make a difference in today’s turbulent world

11.00 – 12.00:

Local Funder Panel – Working Smarter: Lessons learnt & top tips

• Kath Lindley, CEO of Wakefield & District Health & Community Support (WDHCS)

• Shahed Molvi, Head of Grants at Leeds Community Foundation

• Rachel Payling, Head of Stronger Communities at Barnsley Metropolitan District Council

• Bruce Warnes, Trustee & Grants Manager at the Shears Foundation

12.00– 1.15: Lunch & networking

1.15 – 2.30

Workshop Session One – choice of attending:

1. What does the future hold for investments & the growing importance of ESG

- Led by CCLA

2. Developing your grant management system

- Led by Ian Bates, Technical Director at Issimo Consultancy

3. Funders & funding Advisors – learning from each other & overcoming barriers for grant seekers

- Led by FAWN (Funding Advice Workers Network) & Sam Caldwell, Head of Grants at South Yorkshire's Community Foundation

2.30 – 2.45: Comfort break & tea/coffee

2.45 – 3.55

Workshop Session Two – choice of attending:

1. Yorkshire Micro Funders Network

- Led by Robert Templar, Trustee of the Craven Trust

2. What it takes to be a relational funder

- Led by Eliza Buckley, Director of Research at IVAR

3. FAWN (Funding Advice Workers' Network) general meeting

3.55 - 4.00: Thank you and close from Jan Garrill, Yorkshire Funders' Trustee and Chief Executive of Two Ridings Community Foundation


The venue is a 15 minute walk from York Station and a seven minute walk from Foss Bank Car Park, located next to Sainsbury’s. Yorkshire Funders does encourage the use of public transport and/or the Park & Ride service. The post code for Foss Bank Car Park is YO31 7PL and the cost is £10.50 for the full conference day (seven hours).

Read more about Yorkshire Funders on the Funders Collaborative Hub.

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