The third meeting of the trauma informed grantmaking community of practice - an opportunity to meet other funders in this space and share learning.
Following the second meeting of the Trauma Informed Grantmaking Community of Practice in June, where we heard about the trauma informed grantmaking journey of The Robertson Trust and which was attended by 24 separate funding bodies. We have taken time to reflect on what was shared, feedback received and also published a blog of the meeting here.
At this third meeting of the Trauma Informed Grantmaking Community of Practice, we will be making more space for funders to share learning and good practice in smaller groups and we will also be sharing some steps funders can take when starting or continuing their trauma informed grantmaking journey.
12pm Welcome and Introductions - Chair: Rowan Anderson, Corra Foundation
12:10pm Reflection on previous COP meetings
12:20pm Overview of some of the steps funders can take in becoming trauma informed grantmakers
12:30- 1:10pm Breakout discussions and sharing of challenges and good practice wherever your trauma informed grantmaking starting point
1:10-1:25pm Feedback from groups
1:30pm Meeting close
Learning and Resources
For more information, go to Trauma Informed Grantmaking