The story of T2A: Funding for systems change

12:30 pm
1:30 pm
1:30 pm

Almost two decades ago, when Barrow Cadbury Trust initiated the Transition to Adulthood (T2A) campaign, the term ‘systems change’ had limited currency with UK trusts and foundations. Nearly twenty years on, systems change is widely promoted as a means of achieving greater impact when tackling complex social issues, However, its increasing use by funders is often not accompanied by a real appreciation of what systems change (and funding this work) involves.

A new report written by IVAR (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) in collaboration with Barrow Cadbury Trust explores T2A’s direct experience of pursuing change in the criminal justice system, and what can be learnt from this distinct approach to funding systems change. An advance copy of the report will be shared with those who sign up for the webinar, before publication on 28th February.

If your Foundation is interested or engaged in funding systems change work, please attend this free, 1-hour Zoom webinar on Wednesday 28 February, 12.30-1.30pm. We will explore key learning from the T2A model, reflections from Barrow Cadbury Trust and its partners (including Raheel Mohammed, Director of Maslaha and Nadine Smith, Project Manager of Leaders Unlocked) and wider considerations for funding systems change work.

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