An informal group of funders that support voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations across Wiltshire and Swindon.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
Wiltshire and Swindon Funders Network (WSFN) is an informal group of funders that support voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations across Wiltshire and Swindon.
The purpose of WSFN is to promote positive working relationships locally, to connect funders and improve the impact of funding and initiatives that support the VCSE sector and local communities in Wiltshire and Swindon to thrive.
How to get involved
We welcome any funders who provide funding opportunities to voluntary sector groups and organisations working in Wiltshire and/or Swindon. Please contact Margaret Firth at Wiltshire Community Foundation to find out more about the Network, join our mailing list and/or attend our next meeting.
Who's involved
Who was involved
Arts Council, Blagrave Trust, Children in Need, Chippenham Borough Lands, Community First - Landfill Tax Grants, Lloyds Bank Foundation, National Benevolent Society, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Selwood Housing, The National Lottery Community Fund, Wiltshire and Swindon Sport, Wiltshire Community Foundation, Wiltshire Council - Area Boards, Wiltshire Music Connect, Zurich Community Trust