A support network for funders in the West Midlands, helping them to work more effectively and increase their impact on people and communities.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
WM Funders Network (WMFN) is a membership association for charitable trusts, foundations, other charitable funders and individuals interested in funding the West Midlands voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
Its members range from large national trusts that give grants in the region to locally-based grant givers, social investors and individuals.
It aims to:
- Provide an environment for all funders to get to know each other better and work constructively together
- Promote innovation and best practice among funders to support and strengthen the voluntary and community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector
- Share knowledge about social, economic, cultural, political and environmental issues in the West Midlands and nationally – to keep up-to-date with social change and increase members’ understanding of current funding and policy trends
- Promote dialogue between all funders and grant givers, with VCSE and other stakeholders to meet the needs of people and communities in the West Midlands more effectively.
How to get involved
Full Membership of WM Funders Network is open to charitable funders and investors (including organisations such as solicitors firms which administer charitable trusts) that support the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in the West Midlands through grant-making, loans, support schemes, donations, etc.
Associate Membership of WM Funders Network is open to:
- Voluntary and Community Sector organisations (eg Councils for Voluntary Services) which have a role in supporting the development of VCS organisations in the region – in particular those responsible for providing funding advice or managing statutory funding schemes
- Other organisations and individuals that the WM Funders Network Board deems appropriate to be part of the membership (e.g. other types of funders, organisations undertaking a representative/support role at a regional level, individuals who have interests and expertise relevant to the objects of WM Funders Network, etc)
Further information about membership can be found here.