Big Give, Global's Make Some Noise and NCVO are establishing a match funding campaign to support small charities in the UK, coordinating with Small Charity Week 2025
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
Big Give, Global's Make Some Noise and NCVO want to make a big difference to small charities.
Through their Small Charity Week: Match Funding Campaign, they want to help build the resilience, skills and profile of small charities (<£1m turnover) through offering match funding to coincide with Small Charity Week 2025.
How to get involved
We are aiming to secure a minimum total of £1 million in match funding commitments to make the campaign viable (funders can support the campaign with commitments of £25,000 upwards).
We are seeking provisional funding commitments by the end of January 2025 in order for us to have enough time to launch the campaign.
Please reach out to Alex Day at Big Give to discuss further.
Who's involved
Who was involved
Who was involved
Big Give, Global's Make Some Noise and NCVO
We held a workshop in September which a number of funders and charities attended to inform the design of this campaign.
Learning and Resources
For more information, Big Give explains how it works with funders and the impact of match funding.
Big Give, Global's Make Some Noise and NCVO have a proposal deck about the Small Charity Week: Match Funding Campaign which can be shared and offers a more detailed explanation about how the campaign will work and its expected impact.