Philanthropy for Ukraine

Emergency and humanitarian relief
Co-ordinating funding
Existing Collaboration


Improving coordination between philanthropic initiatives and potential beneficiary organisations, through an online European philanthropy portal for Ukraine.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Together with millions around the world, European philanthropic and civil society organisations are responding to the devastating situation in Ukraine since its invasion by the Russian regime. 

Civil society organisations have undertaken exceptional efforts to support the millions of people fleeing the country, as well as to provide urgent support in the country. European philanthropic organisations too have responded, in particular by mobilising funds and launching calls for donations in support of the people affected and those who defend the full respect of international humanitarian law and protection of civilians and civil society, in Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus and around the world.

To help provide a coordinated approach, an integrated online portal for Ukraine has been launched, which brings together the efforts, initiatives and calls for donations of European philanthropic and civil society organisations, through two websites: and

Philanthropy for Ukraine helps philanthropic organisations to:

1) share updates on resources mobilised to support Ukraine

2) understand which pledges and commitments are being made by their peers

3) understand and respond to the needs of civil society organisations

NGOs for Ukraine helps civil society organisations to:

1) navigate the offers made by the philanthropic community

2) communicate their needs for support to a community of philanthropic actors. 

The platform provides a straightforward online template allowing philanthropic and civil society organisations to publish their support efforts. Bringing both communities together will allow for more targeted support in the interest of the millions of people suffering the consequences of the invasion. 

How to get involved

We warmly invite you to visit the platform, and to share your actions or needs through the dedicated form:

Information submitted is verified and published on the website. The website provides tags and search options allowing connection efforts to be undertaken in a targeted way. Organisations who, for safety reasons, do not wish for their action to be publicly available, are offered the option to share the information discreetly. While information will be verified, no due diligence can be performed on entries. It will be up to organisations wishing to collaborate with a partner identified on the platform to do so. 

Who's involved

Who was involved

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.