Norwich & District Funders' Forum

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Peer learning
Aligning processes
Co-ordinating funding
East of England
Existing Collaboration


The Forum was established as an information exchange between local grant giving funders. It meets four times a year, in person.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The initial aim of the Norwich & District Funders' Forum was to enable local grant giving trusts to meet and discuss major capital funding applications within the area. It has developed to become a forum at which invited charities present to the group of funders four times per year. This can now include development and ongoing funding needs.  Members are interested in exploring how they can work together more effectively, whilst recognising that not all trusts have the same objectives. They are currently exploring how to simplify engagement with charitable causes.

How to get involved

Other funders would be welcome to attend our meetings, subject to approval of existing members. We would like to have representation from all local charitable trusts which have a specific interest in supporting charities in Norwich and the surrounding areas. Most charities are represented by one or two trustees. There is no fee to join. Meetings are kindly supported by Birketts Solicitors and are held in Norwich. The current convenor is the Secretary to the John Jarrold Trust and administrative support is provided by Norfolk Community Foundation.

To find out more or get involved, please email the convenor.

Who's involved

Who was involved

The John Jarrold Trust, Norfolk Community Foundation, The Geoffrey Watling Charity, Norwich Charitable Trusts, Lady Hind and C L Hill Trusts, The Paul Bassham Trust, The Riseborough Trust, Alderman Norman Foundation, Snellings Charitable Trust, The Ellerdale Trust, The Ranworth Trust, Love The Broads, BBC Children in Need

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.