A collaborative programme between 37 Livery Companies, providing prison leavers with support, training, jobs, accommodation and more.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
No Going Back is a programme providing prison leavers with support, training, jobs, accommodation and more. Launched in 2020, the pilot programme was supported by 13 Livery Companies and was delivered within the prison charity, Bounce Back, where it incubated for 3 years. In year 3 it is now supported by 37 Livery Companies and is separating from Bounce Back to stand alone, creating an ongoing legacy for the Livery. It will also be an employer with its own Cleaning Services social enterprise, supported by the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners, and will provide jobs for prison leavers and progression from prison training. In addition, as well as the support of the current Steering Group, it is driving the creation of a Criminal Justice Livery Group to influence change in the sector.
The programme works collaboratively with many organisations in the sector to achieve greater outcomes. The primary aim is to help prison leavers build a productive life and reduce recidivism rates, and to do so more effectively than we could working individually. Identifying an issue many Livery Companies have experience and interest in has been crucial in mobilising the collaboration and sustaining engagement.
Not many people know that, among Livery Companies’ other work, we collectively comprise the fifth biggest philanthropic funder in the UK.
How to get involved
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Johnny Robertson or Francesca Findlater.
Who's involved
Who was involved
37 Livery Companies are supporting the programme in its third year.
Learning and Resources
The original strategy paper for No Going Back and a series of progress reviews are available on the Livery Companies' website.