Moray Funders’ Forum

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Co-ordinating funding
Peer learning
Existing Collaboration


A regular platform for Moray grant-givers to network, learn, collaborate, and share funding information

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The forum, launched in 2020, provides a regular platform for Moray grant-givers to network, learn, collaborate, and share funding information to improve grant-making processes for the community.

The ultimate vision of the forum is of a strong community in Moray where well-managed groups and organisations receive the support and resources they require.

At the Moray Funders Forum our aims are to:

  • work to improve our individual grant-making processes to ensure the right groups and organisations gain timely access to the funding they need
  • investigate opportunities to fund projects collaboratively where practicable
  • invite regular input from community representatives to better understand how our grants can more effectively support people in Moray
  • signpost and encourage, where possible, the update of resources from national grant-givers into the Moray community

How to get involved

If you make grants in Moray and would like to find out more about the forum, please get in touch with Abi Clarke tsiMORAY.

Who's involved

Who was involved

The forum is hosted by tsiMORAY, in partnership with The William Grant Foundation and Adam Family Foundation.

A list of current forum members is available on the website.

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.