An informal network of independent funders who aim to improve the lives of people who migrate and the UK communities receiving them.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
Migration Exchange (MEX) is a UK charitable programme which aims to strengthen the power and resources of the UK refugee & migration sector through convening, research and a funder network.
MEX’s mission is to cultivate insight, connection and action across the UK migration and refugee field, working together with civil society to achieve positive change. MEX focuses particularly on independent funders and charities to achieve its mission.
- Insight – Enable partners to understand and respond to trends in the UK refugee and migration charity and funding landscape so that people can see where they sit in the wider system and refine their focus
- Connection – Nurture broader and deeper connections across communities, identities, geographies and intersecting social justice fields so that it is a more power-aware, equitable, inclusive and intersectional sector
- Action – Cultivate collaborative responses to shared challenges, co-designing actions which draw in new resources, skills and energy so that they are stronger than the sum of their parts and can make positive change together
For more information about MEX’s key delivery and development objectives, see Migration Exchange Strategic Framework 2023 - 2028.
Recent highlights:
- Co-developing a Leadership for Social Change programme tailored to emerging and established migration sector leaders, with a focus on lived experience, delivered by Clore Social Leadership and the Centre for Knowledge Equity. Leadership development remains one of MEX’s core focus areas in 2023, following the publication of a report on this topic.
- Developing a COVID-19 response programme, Respond and Adapt, distributing over £2.4m to 130 organisations across the UK and a legacy programme ‘The Insight Hub’
- Co-designing training and support on anti-racism, collective care and better data on sector trends and sources of support
- Shifting funder practice through co-designed programmes with people with lived experience and supporting funding to grassroots organisations (including £400,000 to Afghan-led refugee community organisations in 2021).
How to get involved
Migration Exchange is open to growing its network within and beyond the refugee and migration sector.
If you would like more information or to connect with the MEX team, please email
To stay up to date on Migration Exchange’s current activities and get involved in future events or projects, join their mailing list.
Who's involved
Who was involved
Migration Exchange is hosted at Global Dialogue, a registered charity (1122052) partnering with philanthropy to advance rights, equity and diversity.
Learning and Resources
People, power and priorities: Insights into the UK refugee and migration sector (2023) presents a comprehensive review of the UK refugee and migration sector and funding landscape, and identifies six key priorities for NGOs and funders working in this field.
A snapshot of leadership development in the UK refugee and migration sector is a report published by MEX in 2022, which looks at organisational and funder perspectives on leadership and the disproportionate impact of barriers to leadership development on particular groups. This was followed by workshops to encourage further participation of subjects in the research process.
Taking stock and facing the future is a report on the infrastructure and resources of UK migration charities and funders, published by MEX in 2020, with follow-up research on the sector and funding landscape to be published summer 2023.
More information on these projects and other insights can be found on the MEX website.