Peer action learning for people working in grant-making who want to learn together and take action to shift power in funding.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
The network is a chance to meet, hear from, get support from and give support to others that are trying to find effective ways to rebalance power and rethink accountability in funding.
We believe that sharing stories, opportunities and challenges in safe spaces like this can help to build relationships, raise awareness and encourage critical reflection. For us this is a vital part of bringing about meaningful and effective change on the ground.
How can funders and commissioners do more to shift the power from funders to grantees and people with lived experiences? How can we rethink accountability? What are the risks and dangers in this approach? How can they be managed, embraced and enhanced to create impact? These are just some of the questions we are exploring together in the network.
Recent sessions have included exploring how to support grants teams to work in more relational learning-focused ways, how to make funding more accessible and inclusive to groups who currently face barriers, and how to do knowledge management in a way that prioritises impact for grantees and communities rather than defaulting to traditional compliance-focused approaches.
The network is held by The Social Change Agency and Collaborate CIC who together:
- Convene and facilitate one-and-a-half-hour online action learning sessions every 6-8 weeks
- Produce a short summary note for each session (with input from funders who have shared their work at the session).
How to get involved
New funders are welcome to join the network at any time.
The network is open to those who are involved in funding social change, including trusts, foundations and local authority grant-makers.
A recommended membership contribution of £600 per organisation is requested. This provides access for two team members or trustees to join all sessions over the 12 months. Smaller funders or those with a limited budget can contact the organisers to discuss how membership can be made accessible.
For more information about membership, get in touch with Dawn Plimmer at Collaborate CIC or Anya Stern at The Social Change Agency if you have any questions or would like to discuss.