Local News Fund in Newry, Northern Ireland

Community development
Pooled funding
Peer learning
Influencing policy or practice
Northern Ireland
Existing Collaboration


Building the first community-level pooled fund in the UK for existing and emerging local news initiatives

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

With a grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Voice, Influence and Partnership fund, we are establishing the Local News Fund for Newry, with a start-up investment of £15,000. The Fund, which will be co-designed with a representative cross-section of the Newry community, will seek to support the local independent news ecosystem in Newry with direct funding, while rigorously protecting recipients' editorial independence.

We would like to:

  • make contact and work with potential financial contributors to the Fund - funders, businesses, associations - in order to match and multiply our initial investment
  • further grow the diversity of the local community with whom we will co-design the Fund between January and April 2024

We intend for this to be the first of many such funds, not only across Northern Ireland, but also the rest of the UK, building on our pilot project, which is documented in our Media Wealth Building report.

Community foundations and other place-based funders are beginning to exhibit concern about the decline of truly independent and local journalism.

Sameer Padania
Associate, Public Interest News Foundation

How to get involved

Please get in touch with Sameer Padania (sameer@publicinterestnews.org.uk) or Jonathan Heawood (jonathan@publicinterestnews.org.uk) to find out more, or to set up a conversation.

Who's involved

Who was involved

Public Interest News Foundation (lead), with initial funding provided by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.