Identifying Bangladeshi/Pakistani-led organisations for action research

Racial, ethnic or national communities
Young people
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Emerging Opportunity


Youth Futures Foundation are seeking community-based Bangladeshi/Pakistani-led organisations to join a funded collaborative action research process to help us learn how best to fund them.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Youth Futures Foundation are seeking to extend our Connected Futures Fund to include more community-based organisations led by people with Bangladeshi/Pakistani heritage.

Young people from these communities face particular disadvantage in the labour market, and we want to support experience-led responses to this. However, we haven’t succeeded in identifying /funding any organisations from these communities through our previous open funding round.

We therefore want to find organisations to join a collaborative action research process to identify priorities for these communities, key challenges and opportunities, and how we can best fund this work. We will provide small grants to participating organisations.

Given demographics, we are particularly focused on Greater Manchester, the West Midlands and South / West Yorkshire.

How to get involved

We are looking for recommendations / leads / contacts to organisations you might be working with who you think would be interested in participating.

We hope there will be learning from the process for other funders who are interested in supporting this community.

Please get in touch with Dan Jones at Youth Futures Foundation.

Who's involved

Who was involved

We are working with Action for Race Equality who will facilitate the action learning process.

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.