Grant Givers' Movement

Grant-making practices
Influencing policy or practice
Joint research
Peer learning
Existing Collaboration


A non-hierarchical gathering of people who work in grant-giving, enabling them to raise their collective voice about pressing issues affecting the sector.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The movement is an opportunity for people working in grant giving to collaborate. Together, we seek to challenge the status quo on issues such as where endowments are invested, where power lies, systems change and the role of philanthropy in tackling some of society’s most pressing problems. Ultimately, it’s about joining up and improving grant-making from within.


  • Conversation: We exist to connect grant makers and to facilitate meaningful discussion around the challenges in our sector.
  • Research: We conduct research, through the design and distribution of 'sector pulse surveys', followed by focus groups and interviews, to explore the key issues affecting our sector.
  • Collaboration: We meet regularly with umbrella organisations, regulatory bodies, influential grant makers and agenda-setting organisations to share the findings of our research and put pressure on our sector to change for the better.

How to get involved

New members can join by subscribing here.

You can also get in touch with the movement's organisers by connecting on Twitter or via this contact form.

Who's involved

Who was involved

The movement currently has more than 400 members. Membership is anonymous by default, allowing provocative and dissenting voices to come forwards in a supportive and engaging space.

Learning and Resources

The movement has published research, blogs and a bank of good practice and has contributed to media articles exploring various issues related to grant-making practice.

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.