Fortifying the infrastructure for narrative power

Civil society infrastructure
Grant-making practices
Racial justice
Human rights
Influencing policy or practice
Peer learning
Emerging opportunity

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Funders who seek to cultivate the conditions in philanthropy that enable continuous provision of resources that fortify the narrative infrastructure of global justice movements are invited to join an emerging community of practice.

Building on and complementing existing work in the philanthropic sector, this initiative was designed through a participatory process of deep listening and ideation with movement leaders, narrative practitioners, and funders. It reflects their guidance on how philanthropy can best contribute to an enabling environment for narrative power building across sectors, issues, identities, and locations.


  • Interconnection: ecosystem cultivation
  • Imagination: grantmaking experimentation
  • Intelligence: insight and evidence exchange
  • Integration: sector alignment


  • Deepen the philanthropic sector’s knowledge of narrative infrastructure and power building
  • Share perspectives and practices that enable philanthropy to more effectively resource this work
  • Reduce the burden of funder education for movement actors
  • Support collaboration among philanthropy peers and narrative practitioners
  • Mobilize resources for individuals, organizations, and networks that play key roles in building and sustaining narrative infrastructure


  • What should funders know about the ways narrative power building strategies enable movement actors to achieve durable wins?
  • How do the norms of philanthropy inhibit narrative infrastructure and power building? And what can funders do to improve their practices?
  • How can funders align strategies to strengthen collective impact and make greater progress toward justice?

How to get involved

There are many options for funders who are curious to learn about and be part of this community of practice. Schedule a call here.

Who's involved

Who was involved

Who was involved

Kataly Foundation provided seed funding for the research and design process as part of its capacity building efforts. Additional funding for the start-up phase has been secured from Lankelly Chase, Carmack Collective, and an individual philanthropist.

Learning and Resources

How To Fund Narrative Ecosystems (Nonprofit Quarterly, 2024)

How philanthropy can fund the infrastructure for narrative power (Philea, 2024)

What would it take for narrative change work to have more real-world impact in the UK? (Report by Heard, commissioned by The National Lottery Community Fund, 2022)

Narrative Change and Impact: Analysis of In-Depth Interviews with Experts, Practitioners, and Funders (Report by Norman Lear Center’s Media Impact Project, 2023)

Narrative change trend brings new money to journalism (NiemanLab, Nieman Foundation, 2022)

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.