Fixing the UK's dirty money problem

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Join Joffe Charitable Trust and other funders supporting a great coalition fixing this crucial issue that enables all sorts of social harm.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

We support an impressive civil society coalition (the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition) to tackle the UK’s massive dirty money problem - officially estimated at hundreds of billions of pounds per year. The coalition has made real progress in the last two years. But the gains are fragile. They need help seeing the job through.

It's well known that the UK’s financial systems are abused in ways that enable all sorts of social harm, at huge scale. By allowing secrecy and impunity, they let criminals and the unscrupulous evade the law. This turbo-charges inequality, undermines the climate fight, degrades democracy and enables crimes like corruption, trafficking and terrorism.

The coalition has helped change laws and practice. But the job is only half done. We need to bring in more funding over the next 3 to 5 years, so they can build on current momentum, and stop the UK being such a safe harbour for the proceeds of corruption and crime from around the world.

The Joffe Charitable Trust is supporting this work and leading efforts to engage other funders. Help us fix this structural issue now!

How to get involved

Please contact Alex Jacobs on There are great opportunities to coordinate funding, maintain current momentum and achieve more together.

Who's involved

Who was involved

The Joffe Charitable Trust is leading this work to engage with other donors.

The UK Anti-Corruption Coalition is the established civil society coalition tackling the issue.

Learning and Resources

Funder briefing on fixing the UK's dirty money problem (Joffe Charitable Trust, 2024) provides a summary and further links. 

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