Belong - The Cohesion and Integration Network is seeking input from funders' perspectives to design a social cohesion measurement framework for use by grant recipients.
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
The recent Khan Review into Social Cohesion and Resilience highlighted the absence of a comprehensive national cohesion measurement framework to understand social cohesion at a national and local level.
Belong are at the forefront of the latest thinking on social cohesion measurement and provided a Rapid Review on the measurement of Social Cohesion for the Khan Review.
Belong wishes to build on the review with input from funders to understand in practical terms how to design a measurement framework for a shared standard impact measurement practice. This input will form a crucial part in our work in designing policy and practice recommendations, training programmes and toolkits for project managers, grant recipients, commissioners, grant and policy makers from Councils, Business, Civil Society, funders, and Sports organisations.
We wish to explore questions/challenges such as:
- How to create and sustain an easy-to-use approach to social cohesion measurement
- How a common framework can help build a business case for investment in social cohesion and disseminate persuasive evidence demonstrating how cohesion impacts in other social policy areas
- How to pool and analyse impact results collectively
- Understanding and disseminating what works in achieving better social cohesion outcomes.
How to get involved
Belong would be happy to set up an initial meeting to discuss involvement individually or as part of a wider meeting with other funders. Please contact to discuss.
Who's involved
Who was involved
We are currently working with funders Spirit of 2012 and Savannah Wisdom Foundation, and wider civil society partners through the Shaping the Future coalition. We have the support of numerous members of the Belong Network consisting of over 100 members comprising local authorities, civil society organisations and businesses.
Learning and Resources
Beyond Us and Them research, in particular the Executive Summary and recommendations on the impact of investment in social cohesion.
Shared Ground is Belong’s accredited training programme aimed at those averting community tensions and improving community relations.
Rapid Review on Social Cohesion measurement which Belong provided for the Khan Review.