Community Heat Networks

Peer learning
Co-ordinating funding
Emerging Opportunity


Social Investment Business is looking for partners to develop a funding and support programme for community organisations to transition to heat networks.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Heat networks provide reliable, low-carbon and cost-effective heat, yet in the UK just 2% of buildings are heated this way. Meanwhile over 7,300 community buildings in England do not meet basic EPC rating C. 

Community organisations, particularly those in deprived communities, are most in need of support to transition to clean, reliable energy sources. They are also well placed to lead a just transition for the communities they serve, building a stronger, fairer society.

The Social Investment Business is gathering evidence from our network about interest and awareness in heat networks and barriers to adoption. We are also drawing on our experience of working in partnership to deliver over £300m of capital and revenue grants to create, expand and improve youth facilities and services through the Youth Investment Fund.

We are seeking funding and expert partners to collaborate with so that we can work together to unlock access to heat networks for community organisations.

How to get involved

We would like to work with partners to develop a programme of funding and support for community organisations. To shape this programme, we welcome the insight, experience and expertise of a wide range of organisations interested in a just transition.

If you are interested in this work, please contact

Who's involved

Who was involved

Social Investment Business support charities and social enterprises to build stronger and fairer communities. We offer funding and flexible, adaptive support to the organisations that make up the social economy, providing them with the tools they need to make a positive difference to the communities they work within.

Learning and Resources

Find out more about Social Investment Business.

See the progress of the Youth Investment Fund.

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Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.