Collaborating to help companion animals and their families in the UK

Social welfare
Influencing policy or practice
Pooled funding
Aligning processes
Joint research
Peer learning
Co-ordinating funding
Emerging Opportunity


At Battersea, our grant-making team are interested in connecting with other funders to explore opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge to help more owners and their pets.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Battersea’s grant-making team is looking to connect with other UK-based funders (including those who fund in the UK and globally) that support pets and their owners, in order to share knowledge and explore opportunities to collaborate and help more dogs, cats and people.

In particular, we are keen to connect with those who would like to cultivate opportunities to build grant-giving approaches that:

  1. Advance change, not just meet need
  2. Support organisations and not just a project or service
  3. Recognise and uplift the agency and knowledge on the ground
  4. Support animal welfare organisations to be more representative and inclusive.

We would also like to connect with funders that align with our strategic goals in the UK, which include:

  • Building the professionalism and sustainability of the rescue sector (ensuring high welfare of staff, volunteers and animals)
  • Supporting responsible pet ownership, including helping struggling owners to stay with their pets
  • Reducing abandonment/relinquishment
  • Managing street populations of cats
  • Building networks and coalitions.

We want to create a space of exchange and peer support to improve grant-making practice, collaboration, shared resources and learning, to make life easier for grant seekers too (so they can focus on dogs and cats) and to help the sector to speak with one voice. We are keen to partner with other organisations to increase the impact on dogs, cats and communities in the UK and beyond.

How to get involved

Interested funders should contact Mitali Sen, Senior Grants Manager ( to discuss this further.

Who's involved

Who was involved

Not in touch with any for this purpose yet

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.