Christian Funders' Forum

Peer learning
Joint research
Co-ordinating funding
Existing Collaboration


Funders of Christian work who meet to share best practice and work together wherever possible.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The Christian Funders’ Forum is a group of executives of grant-making trusts and foundations. Members of the forum grant more than £60 million a year to Christian work.


  • To network, encourage and provide peer support to Christian grant makers and philanthropists
  • To learn from each other, sharing, shaping and encouraging best practice in grant making and philanthropy
  • To work together wherever that is possible: sharing resources; commissioning research; considering match-funding; or promoting Christian projects.


The Forum meets three times a year. Members can also share information with each other in a secure area of the Forum's website.

How to get involved

Membership of the group is free. To enquire about joining, contact the organisers here.

Who's involved

Who was involved

A list of current members is available here.

Learning and Resources

As part of their working together, the Forum hosts the Christian Funders’ Forum Awards, shining a light on innovative projects and best practice, and celebrating the outstanding work done by churches, charities and volunteer groups across the UK. These awards have not been held since the Covid-19 pandemic but it is hoped to start them again. Details of past awards can be found here.

A 2016 research report by Theos, Christian Funders and Grant-Making: An Analysis, looks at who Christian funders are, what they are doing, and what the future of the sector might look like.

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.