Building local social cohesion

Religious, racial or cross-border harmony
Conflict resolution
Aligning processes
Co-ordinating funding
Influencing policy or practice
Pooled funding
Emerging Opportunity


The need for a strengthened sense of cohesion and belonging has never been greater. Belong is designing a programme for Local Authority areas most at risk of future unrest.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Belong believes that the recent social unrest was driven by social inequalities, grievances and weak social networks, which were far too easily exploited by bad actors and misinformation by groups of violent thugs. This situation was not helped by unimplemented and lapsed recommendations from several Government reviews dating back over 20 years, a lack of a national cohesion measurement framework, limited local strategic approaches, insufficient investment in skills to bridge difference and lack of tension monitoring systems.

Belong is building a social cohesion programme with Local Authorities backed by the UK Government to support communities most at risk of further unrest. This includes consultation and engagement, capacity building, project funding and ongoing advice and guidance. The programme in each area will last up to 3 years and will draw heavily on our research, practice and the experiences of our network. The cohesion programme will be tailored to local conditions, involve extensive consultation with the establishment of an innovative local project fund designed to bring people together across difference.

We wish to engage with funders to tackle challenges such as:

  • Strengthening local networks to build greater trust and understanding across difference
  • Creating greater inclusivity in places
  • Ensuring every community has an authentic story to tell
  • Creating and sustaining an easy-to-use approach to social cohesion measurement
  • Collectively pooling and analysing impacts and outcomes
  • Understanding and disseminating what works in achieving better social cohesion outcomes
  • Establishing cohesion focused funding streams.

How to get involved

Belong would be happy to set up an initial meeting to discuss involvement individually or as part of a wider meeting with other funders. Please contact to discuss.

Who's involved

Who was involved

Spirit of 2012, Shaping the Future Coalition, Savannah Wisdom Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund. We have the support of numerous members of the Belong Network, consisting of over 100 members comprising Local Authorities, civil society organisations and business.

Learning and Resources

Beyond Us and Them Research - in particular the Executive Summary and recommendations on the impact of investment in social cohesion.

Shared Ground is Belong’s accredited training programme aimed at those averting community tensions and improving community relations.

The Rapid Review on Social Cohesion measurement Belong provided for the Khan Review.

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.