Bristol Funders Group

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South West
Existing Collaboration


A group of local and national funders that come together every 6 weeks to share information and explore opportunities to collaborate.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Bristol Funders Group is a group of local and national funders supporting work in Bristol. By coming together every six weeks to share information and explore opportunities to collaborate, the group aims to:

  • Develop a shared picture of needs, priorities and opportunities for funding collaboration and alignment
  • Better reach historically under-funded communities and sectors.

How to get involved

Contact Ronnie Brown, Philanthropy Director, Quartet Community Foundation.

Who's involved

Who was involved

Quartet Community Foundation, Bristol City Funds, Bristol City Council, Bristol & Bath Regional Capital, National Benevolent Charity, Nisbet Trust, John James Bristol Foundation, The National Lottery Community Fund, St Monica Trust, Resonance, Bristol Charities and others.

Learning and Resources

Power to Change, Bristol City Council and Quartet Community Foundation funded Designing a New Social Reality - research by Black South West Network, in partnership with VOSCUR and Locality, into priority areas of investment for an effective VCSE recovery post-Covid-19.

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.
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