Bradford Funders Forum

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Yorkshire and the Humber
Existing Collaboration


A forum for non-statutory funders that are investing, or interested in investing in Bradford.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The forum is an informal gathering for non-statutory funders that are investing in Bradford or interested in investing in Bradford. We share intelligence, talk about strategic issues across the district and encourage shared investments.

We co-produce the agenda each time to cover sharing practice and updates, opportunities for collaboration and joint influence and hearing from guest speakers specific to the district.

How to get involved

Funders interested in getting involved can contact Fozia Naseem at GiveBradford.

Who's involved

Who was involved

The forum is convened by GiveBradford, which is managed by Leeds Community Foundation.

Learning and Resources

Something not right?

Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.
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