Big Give Green Match Fund 2025

Pooled funding
Co-ordinating funding
Existing Collaboration


The Big Green Match Fund is seeking 'champions' (trusts, foundations, philanthropists and companies) to join the 2025 campaign, which will multiply your funding for environmental organisations and incentivise public giving.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

Multiply your funding for environmental organisations and incentivise public giving 

The Green Match Fund campaign was launched in April 2021 as a collaboration between the Environmental Funders Network (EFN) and the Big Give to raise much-needed funding for environmental charities. The annual campaign raises match funding from ‘champions’ (trusts, foundations, philanthropists and companies), which is then doubled by donations from the public during the week of the campaign in April. In the last four years, it has raised £15 million for hundreds of environmental charities, all working to create a thriving planet.

We are repeating the campaign in 2025, again launching around World Earth Day in April, and aiming to significantly increase the amount raised last year. The campaign also provides training and support for participating charities, and helps to raise the profile of philanthropy/match funding through the media and celebrity support. Further information on the 2025 campaign is here and a one page guide for potential champions is here. The results from the 2024 campaign, showing the range of charities supported, is here.

We are ideally seeking funding agreements by the end of January, but there is some flexibility.

How to get involved

Foundations can provide match funding for the campaign: you can direct this to grantees, charities or issues you choose; or donate to the central fund, with projects chosen by the Big Give and EFN from those applying.

Your funding will be used to double donations from the public during the week of the campaign, offering a real incentive for the public to give.

We are also hoping to add a 'broadcastable moment' in partnership with Waterbear in 2025, to significantly increase the public awareness of the campaign, and are seeking sponsorship. Full details are on this recording: Creating the ‘Comic Relief’ for climate(43 mins), password: biggive.

Please contact Jane Cabutti at EFN if you would like any more information.

Who's involved

Who was involved

A number of foundations have already committed or expressed an interest in providing match funding for the 2025 campaign - please email for more information.

Champions of previous Green Match Fund campaigns have included Garfield Weston Foundation, John Ellerman Foundation, EQ Foundation, AKO Foundation, People's Postcode Lottery, Reed Foundation, Dulverton Trust and more.

Learning and Resources

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Add a collaboration opportunity

Tell us about an existing collaboration you're involved in or an emerging opportunity you want to explore with other funders.