Applying a 'climate lens' to funding of buildings/refurbishments

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Emerging Opportunity


The Clothworkers' Foundation wants to bring together funders of buildings, refurbishments or other capital items, to explore developing aligned approaches to climate change/net zero

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

The Clothworkers' Foundation wants to bring together funders of buildings, refurbishments or other capital items, to explore developing aligned approaches to climate change/net zero.


  • Grow our knowledge in this area together and try to reach a common understanding on what pragmatic approaches funders of these types of projects take to apply a ‘climate lens’
  • Explore common changes to how we fund (and potentially what we fund) in support of this
  • When considering the above, ensuring an equitable lens, and supporting our applicants/grantees rather than creating obstacles and barriers for them.

Some questions:

  • What are other funders of buildings doing about this?
  • What pragmatic ways are there to apply a ‘climate lens’ to funding building and refurbishment projects?
  • How can we do this in a way that is equitable and supports our applicants/grantees rather than creating obstacles to funding?
  • What can/should funders be doing to support charities to bring their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating to C by 2027 (B by 2030)?
  • Do we fund other capital items in common, eg vehicles, and can we also grow a common understanding on these?

How to get involved

Contact Jenny North at The Clothworkers' Foundation

Who's involved

Who was involved

Learning and Resources

“Given the extents of its impacts, climate change is a health issue, a gender equality issue, a racial and social justice issue, an intergenerational issue, educational issue, an economic issue, a cultural issue, a security issue, a human rights issue, and a local community issue. It therefore affects all areas of funding and poses a serious risk to all funders’ missions.” Funder Commitment on Climate Change Year 2 progress report (ACF, 2022)

Much Alarm, Less Action – Foundations and Climate Change (The Center for Effective Philanthropy, 2022)

The Non-Domestic Private Rented Sector Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards - Implementation of the EPC B Future Target (UK Government, 2021)

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