Progress update - March 2022

April 5, 2022


minute read
Jim Cooke
Head of the Funders Collaborative Hub

We've committed to sharing the Hub's progress openly each month and inviting feedback to help us improve our work. Our latest update is available here.

Last month we published our first update on the Funders Collaborative Hub’s progress against our 2022 priorities and committed to continue sharing these each month.

Our second update, covering March 2022, is now available.

Read this latest report to find out:

· How are funders collaborating in response to the war in Ukraine?

· What were the top 5 most visited collaboration opportunities on the Hub?

· How are we planning to understand the Hub’s impact?

· What have we been hearing about funder collaboration through ACF’s strategy consultation?

Tell us what you think

Get in touch if you have any questions or feedback about the Hub's work.

Contact the Hub