Exploring housing and homelessness funders' responses to the climate emergency

Housing and homelessness
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Emerging Opportunity


World Habitat is looking to explore what work other funders are doing around net zero, with specific focus on housing and homelessness in the UK or abroad.

Aims and activities

Aims and questions

Aims and activities

World Habitat is looking to explore what work other funders are doing around net zero, with specific focus on housing and homelessness in the UK or abroad.

World Habitat is global housing foundation that finds, celebrates and transfers outstanding and inspiring housing solutions across the globe. Throughout our work, we celebrate the central role that housing plays in building and safeguarding strong communities. We also recognise that the climate emergency is the greatest threat to our vision of a world where everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.

As an organisation, we are committed to be net zero by 2030, and are on course to reduce our carbon emissions year-on-year to meet this target. We are maximising our impact while transitioning to being more carbon efficient and we want to work with others to achieve this. But we want to go further, and use our influence to build a stronger movement of climate positive housing.

We aim to:

  • Develop our understanding of low-carbon and net zero good practice in the housing and homelessness sector
  • Play a catalyst role in bringing together actors in this space to share best practice and the transfer of solutions to address the climate emergency
  • Influence others in the housing sector to respond to the climate emergency and adopt net zero as a principle.

Key questions we want to explore:

  • What is the impact of a warming climate on the experience of housing and homelessness organisations in the UK?
  • How will extreme weather events affect the way we respond to homelessness in the UK?
  • How can we ensure buildings that accommodate people with experience of homelessness are both as low-carbon and affordable as possible?
  • How can we shift the narrative of homelessness from one that is seen through a human crisis and housing lens to one that is viewed as climate justice?
  • Who do housing and homelessness organisations need to partner with to develop solutions in this area?
  • How should funders collaborate to stimulate and influence positive change in this area?

How to get involved

If you are a funder interested in exploring these questions together, please contact Patrick Duce (Programme Lead – Homelessness) at World Habitat.

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