Enabling humanitarian organisations to use the financial capital markets as an alternative way to pre-fund disaster relief
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
Howden are working with humanitarian organisations to enhance the deployment of their funds by using the financial capital markets as an alternative way in which disaster relief is pre-funded. Working with other industry partners, we pioneered this with the Red Cross and provided funding to launch the first issue.
To foundations looking to make the greatest impact on saving lives and livelihoods with every donation - fund the premium and stretch the impact of every dollar
How to get involved
As we develop more opportunities for disaster relief financing products for the Red Cross, and similar agencies, we seek partners to help make their donations go further using leverage in the financial markets by contributing to a premium pool.
Please contact Stuart Martin if you'd like to discuss this.
Who's involved
Who was involved
Howden Foundation and Howden employees have pledged substantial donations to this initiative.
We are establishing The Howden Humanitarian Trust to manage donations in order to finance further disaster relief projects.
Details of the Howden team running the initiative can be found here.
Learning and Resources
An information document and presentation provide further information about the background to this opportunity.
David Howden's speech about the initiative at COP 26 can be viewed here: Text / Video
A case study video about the Volcano Catastrophe Bond in partnership with the Danish Red Cross can be viewed here.