Seeking co-funders to support International Health Partners' Covid-19 response plan for marginalised communities in lower income countries
Aims and activities
Aims and questions
Aims and activities
The Bishop Radford Trust is currently funding International Health Partners' (IHP) Covid-19 response, and seeking other funders to co-fund with us.
The direct and indirect impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on people in lower-income countries have intensified massively in 2021 putting an enormous strain on already overstretched health systems.
IHP’s 2021 COVID response programme has five key pillars:
1. Supporting global efforts to ensure access to Covid-19 vaccination in lower-income countries, by providing syringes, needles, masks, gloves and other auxiliary medical consumables.
2. Providing medicines for the management of Covid-19 symptoms, coinfections and complications.
3. Building up underlying health and resilience of targeted communities, by providing a broad range of quality, donated medicines and health supplies.
4. Widening access to medicines free at the point of use, during a time of economic disruption which is hitting the most vulnerable in insecure work particularly badly. This is crucial to reduce the chances of mortality from a wide range of causes worsening as an indirect effect of the pandemic.
5. Helping health budgets stretch further. Medicines account for a high proportion of medical costs in lower-income countries. Providing access to donated medicines is a very cost-effective approach, freeing-up funding for other interventions such as public education about vaccination, ways of reducing the risk of infection, adapting health services so communities feel confident that they are safe to access – as well as public health education on other health issues needed to limit excess deaths from other conditions as an indirect result of the pandemic.
The Bishop Radford Trust can recommend the quality and cost-effectiveness of International Health Partners Covid-19 response
How to get involved
The Bishop Radford Trust can recommend the quality and cost-effectiveness of International Health Partners Covid-19 response, strengthening health systems by providing access to quality donated medical supplies in response to requests from local medical teams on the ground. We have received high quality progress reports from the charity and been impressed by the scale of impact as a result of our support.
A donation of £10,000 would be enough to enable IHP to source and distribute around 25,000 treatments a year. IHP’s highly cost-effective approach of sourcing high quality, long dated medicines means this £10,000 will be enough to mobilise medical supplies with a total value in the region of £100,000.
If you're interested in co-funding this work, please get in touch via the Funders Collaborative Hub.
Who's involved
Who was involved
The Bishop Radford Trust is currently funding IHP's Covid-19 response and seeking other funders to co-fund with us.
Learning and Resources
According to the UN, the proportion of people needing humanitarian assistance worldwide has gone from 1 in 45 at the beginning of 2020, to 1 in 33 in 2021. This is an increase of 40% from 2020 estimated needs (prior to COVID-19) and a near tripling since 2014.